LYNNE SIMONE FINE ART Custom Pastels Specializing in Pet Portraits


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You Can't Catch Me....I'm the Gingerbread Man!

My latest project...a life sized (well, life sized for a kindergartener, anyway!) gingerbread house to add to a village for my daughter's elective class. Rachael is a teacher assistant for her kindergarten teacher and is loving helping all the little people with the very same projects I used to help her with eight short years ago. (Where did that time GO, anyway!?) I had helped to make a similar one for a play they did and it needed replacing. The new model has a gumdrop removable roof, candy cane door decorations and enough room inside for William to stand up. Windows cut on the side allow light for reading and a Santa gingerbread man hung on the inside wall will keep the lucky scholar company...tons of fun to create with help from the entire family.

1 comment:

Maria said...

How cute is that!! Happy Holidays.
