LYNNE SIMONE FINE ART Custom Pastels Specializing in Pet Portraits


Monday, October 27, 2008


Okay, so I've failed miserably in the "Painting A Day" department. I'm going to make a new category entitled "Produce What You Can ...while juggling a job, a husband, children, after school activities, art related events, public relations responsibilities , volunteer jobs and....oh, yeah, a few hours of sleep. Did I mention the cooking and cleaning (?) There's not much of that going on as of late. Oh, wait, I actually dusted and did windows over the weekend...AND threw away 3 bags of garbage, old papers, etc from one closet, my desk and my kid's rooms. THAT was an accomplishment.

Funny how when you're a kid, being accomplished means something totally different that when you're an adult. I was happy to "accomplish" an afternoon of just listening to tunes when I was a TEEN, now I'm lucky to listen to an entire CD all the way through without someone else in the family complaining about the decibel level or putting on something....ELSE. My ipod shuffle is on the fritz and I am at their mercy.....!

Speaking of music and tunes, I created this today. Inspired by the instruments and jam session last weekend, I took the idea of black and white instruments from the wall hanging in the studio and made my own version, free handing the musicians and filling them in with a sharpie. I left a small white border, cut them out and glued them to a black mat and found a good use for an old frame. I highlighted a bit with a silver pastel pencil and viola...much fun!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was VERY creative today, pumping out two small 5'x7' landscapes. They are framed and ready to go to the HARVEST OF ART in a little over three weeks. I am really enjoying the freedom of painting something freedom, I mean I don't have to commit to a huge project that I know will take weeks. I know each one of these can be finished within an hour or two and I'm throwing myself into each one. I literally have hundreds of photos stuffed in boxes that I am resurrecting and going through. I think flowers will be next...I have so many referrence photos. Tomorrow, a field trip to the Chinsegut Nature Center outside Brooksville with Mary Alice Queiros and members of the Art League to sketch the old historic building and grounds.

Plein Air Painting....

LOVE my creative Wednesdays!

Monday, October 20, 2008

View Toward Pine Island

Only 5"x7" pastel on board...did it in less than 3 hours, ready to be framed ;)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Not really sure, other than life got in the way. I have been painting every day, with the exception of Sat., but have not finished anything. Spent Sat. playing photographer for several different events. Here's a lovely shot of me in a hoop skirt from Sat. Founder's Day Celebration and Mural Dedication Ceremony in which I allowed a very small but very influential woman talk me into dressing up in 1800's attire. After wearing the outfit for a little over an hour , I very happily peeled it off, thankful I was born in this day and age where I wouldn't have to worry about bending my skirt just right to fit through the doorway. It was fun to dress up....maybe I have found my Halloween costume for this year.

On the Artistic side, I am currently working on some landscapes....and was inspired by a photo shoot I did yesterday for a friend just staring in a band....I took some creative shots of instruments and will put them together in some kind of a collage...probably not in pastels. Is that allowed? That has been my medium of choice for so long, I'm not sure I'll be accepted any other way....;)

Thursday, October 16, 2008



I'm not sure where the years went to...!
We celebrated last night at Carabbas with chicken Bryan and garlic breath ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


This was the most beautiful unique wedding I've ever been to/participated in. My niece was a vision of sheer beauty, radiating joy from deep within.

I love watching the groom's face when the bride first starts down the aisle...and Javen was so emotional... This was truly a fairytale.....

They planted a seed...

And finally shared LOVE'S first kiss....

What a beautiful bridal party!

Gorgeous girls! My daughter is to the right of the bride...13 going on 30.

There was dancing...

Guitar playing...(my son, the ham and future lead!)

Great food and family time....


Off to enjoy a 2 week honeymoon in a still secret spot....not even her mother knows where they are going!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I have to make this count as my painting of the day, as I did not finish the small painting I was working on. I did, however, finish Mr. Lee and deliver him to his proud mother. He was definitely a challenge...chocolate labs have the slight reddish tinge, but all kinds of color in the highlights and shadows. You have to show enough color to give the 3d effect.

I have one more commission to finish before the Harvest of Art in exactly five weeks. Good timing and hopefully, I will get at least one commission from that show. I am going to bring all the small "painting a day" pictures and price them low and see if anything moves. The state of the economy dictates bargains and I want to be able to make my money back...

My beautiful niece gets married over the weekend and I'm not sure I'll keep my word painting for the next two days, but I'm going to try very hard. Here we are...can't believe she is 20 and about to walk down the aisle.


This is an 8x10 and took about 1 1/2 hours. I actually did a paint by number and used rubbing alcohol to "paint" the dry pastel background. Love this approach! Used soft pastels over the dry wash to add detail. Definitely going to do this more often.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I think I will try the daily painting experiment that has been done by many artists trying to dig out of a rut. An exercise in discipline...a painting a day for 365 days to get the creative juices flowing. Any bets as to how many days I will actually go?!?!? (Can I bet on myself, the overwhelmed procrastinator? ) One small 3x5 picture a day...doesn't matter what medium...just GETTR DONE!

Something totally different for me and an exercise in color. This is 5"x7" and the first "Painting a Day" in a series of small works intended just to get me to paint EVERY DAY, no excuses. It only took 10 minutes to fill the sheet with color, another hour to make all the lines flow and put in an abstract design. Wow, that's out of my box, for sure. The title reflects the song I was listening to when inspiration struck, and also my mood on a rainy morning.

Monday, October 6, 2008


This is going to be my new motto. Quit talking about it and JUST DO IT!

Sometimes last minute plans work out the best. I was invited to so on an art related "FIELD TRIP" and didn't think I could go because of morning children's activities, namely soccer practice. Well, things worked out...and I'm all the better for the experience. Three amazingly talented artist friends of mine and I ventured to Clearwater/Dunedin area this past Saturday for an Artist's Open Studio Walk where we were able to tour several working studios. I now know what I want to do when I grow up...or should I say aspire to be and to have. (really, all I want is the SPACE to create!)

Patty, Diane, Jana, Me

Our fist stop was the warehouse studio of Robert Schoeller located off Drew St. This converted space had a gallery up front where we met Schoeller's son, Tim. He actually welcomed us and took this lovely photo. He then gave us a tour of the entire place...WITH the press team from The Tampa bay Informer Newspaper. Good timing! We were brought in the back where the rest of the public was NOT invited. Actually, Tim was so busy with the Press, we were left on our own and on our honor to explore...and explore, we did.

Tim resembles Jesus a bit and his father used him for the model of this amazing piece entitled JUDAS' KISS. He crafts all the handmade elaborate frames...from resin. They look like wood...



This workspace is bigger than my living room and kitchen combined

The most amazing lifelike portraits...

This is an underpainting. It could stand on it's own as a portrait...that's how amazing it is. There were dozens of these laying around waiting to be finished. Mr. Schoeller has a waiting list of about a year and a half, with portraits costing in the tens of thousands. He was in Austria ( his homeland) at the time, painting a dignitary and having free room, board and entertainment until he was finished. He will be back to give a talk at the Clearwater Ctiy Hall on November 20.

I was just in awe at the size of his warehouse after room after room of creative space. And, of course, the artist spends so much time there, they've made it into home sweet home, complete with witty posters...see below. Also, outside the converted ice house and train depot next door, there is a secluded fenced garden. Once inside, you have no clue you are in downtown Clearwater. While a bit rough in places, it is home to many fruit trees and exotic plants. And a cherub I intend on painting one day...


Sunday, October 5, 2008


I have moved the right eye over and am happy now with how it is lined up. I have added lights and darks and now have more of a 3d effect. It is hard to see in the photo, but the highlights are made up of many light colors including pink, blue, lavender and white. Mid tones are pinks, oranges, tans. Darks are blue, purple, green, reddish brown and some black in the very darkest areas. I have only the finest hairs and details to add...and to put a bit of color variation in the light blue background and Mr. Lee will be finis.


Lynne Simone, Evie Harper, Robert Hernaiz, Patty Ritter
A great time was had by all...still waiting for more pictures to post!