LYNNE SIMONE FINE ART Custom Pastels Specializing in Pet Portraits


Sunday, September 21, 2008


I see things everyday that I want to capture on paper...
lucky for me I carry my trusty digital camera with me just about everywhere I travel...
and that is why I have a closet full of tupperware containers overflowing with inspirational photos. SOME DAY... they may be transposed to paper and turned into art. For now, they occupy a compartment in my brain and I access them every so often when I need a reference for a picture. Here's a sampling of the last week's inspirations....
there is no lack of inspirational subject matter, only a lack of time to actually put pastel to paper. Maybe if I stopped blogging so much.....
The sand hills are regular residents of High Point where I frequent about once a week visiting my multitalented friend and fellow artist, Mary Alice Queiros. She is an amazing inspiration herself, a story for another time. The tree photo was taken the same day while I chauffeured MAQ (Mary Alice's nickname) around Brooksville shooting photos of buildings she would like to paint murals on. She actually does the most amazing pen and ink drawings and this tree is perfect subject matter for her.

The next batch is from an impromptu trip to Treasure Island last Sunday. The waves were a little bigger than usual due to Ike and Joe was inspired to take the kids body surfing.

I was, well, not so inspired to be in the ocean because there were A LOT of creatures and whelk shells all in the shallows and I could not get myself past them to the ocean deep because I kept getting knocked over by the larger than normal waves....SSSOOOOOO I read a Nicholas Sparks book on the beach, waving to the fam every once in a while. That's my idea of a relaxing day at the beach! I wandered around the seagrass, snapping shots from all angles.

So many ideas, so little time....

1 comment:

Maria said...

Can relate to those beach photos. You can never blog too much... :)

Maria (longing for her studio)