LYNNE SIMONE FINE ART Custom Pastels Specializing in Pet Portraits


Monday, October 27, 2008


Okay, so I've failed miserably in the "Painting A Day" department. I'm going to make a new category entitled "Produce What You Can ...while juggling a job, a husband, children, after school activities, art related events, public relations responsibilities , volunteer jobs and....oh, yeah, a few hours of sleep. Did I mention the cooking and cleaning (?) There's not much of that going on as of late. Oh, wait, I actually dusted and did windows over the weekend...AND threw away 3 bags of garbage, old papers, etc from one closet, my desk and my kid's rooms. THAT was an accomplishment.

Funny how when you're a kid, being accomplished means something totally different that when you're an adult. I was happy to "accomplish" an afternoon of just listening to tunes when I was a TEEN, now I'm lucky to listen to an entire CD all the way through without someone else in the family complaining about the decibel level or putting on something....ELSE. My ipod shuffle is on the fritz and I am at their mercy.....!

Speaking of music and tunes, I created this today. Inspired by the instruments and jam session last weekend, I took the idea of black and white instruments from the wall hanging in the studio and made my own version, free handing the musicians and filling them in with a sharpie. I left a small white border, cut them out and glued them to a black mat and found a good use for an old frame. I highlighted a bit with a silver pastel pencil and viola...much fun!


Maria said...

Very nice job, Lynne! I don't know how you find the time to CLEAN?? Windows??? You amaze me with your energy!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you've done amazing work and should be very proud of yourself!