LYNNE SIMONE FINE ART Custom Pastels Specializing in Pet Portraits
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
You Can't Catch Me....I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The girls and I have an annual Christmas ritual of meeting to exchange pleasantries and ornaments. Both are more enjoyable when accompanied by a glass of wine and , in this case, a pizza. We hold back no carbs when it comes to our friendship!
Painting a day bit the dust and I find myself a bit drained after putting together the GALA fundraiser...I will post photos of that shortly. Am working on a Christmas commission of some family pooches...more to come.
Monday, December 1, 2008

Can't believe it is a week since I posted last. Well, I've certainly done my share of eating (and cooking) in the last week! About 6 days to lose a few pounds of pie before the Fine Arts Gala Fundraiser Event.
Why do we become such gluttonous fools at the holidays?
I sat back at my overflowing table, thankful for the other cooks who brought yummy side dishes, helping to alleviate some of my stress...
thankful for the loved ones there to share the feast...
and very guilty over the fact that once again, there was way too much food. I suppose the guilt is because I full well knew that some would go to waste, even after doggy bags were sent home with relatives and I managed to make pea soup out of the ham bone and turkey soup out of TOM'S carcass. (DID do both and they are yummy!)
Next year's resolution...

Monday, November 24, 2008
About a month ago, before the BIG SHOW, I had printed out some interseting pics I found on the websites of some of my favorite musicians. There were quite a few black and whites with interesting shadows and silhouettes...and I vowed that I would do these in small sizes for my "painting a day"...and so here's the first in a series of musical "smalls". 5x7, matted in white, framed in simple black. Haven't even considered a price because I want him all for myself. At least for a little while!
I consider AMOS LEE the male version of Norah Jones...funky bluesy storytelling, reflective lyrics, perfect for disappearing into a painting! I found him while reading about Norah's newest venture and the other artists on the movie soundtrack for Blueberry Nights. Still haven't seen it, but am hoping that one of these two great musicians will venture into Florida one of these days. I am way overdue for a good show!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The SUCKER Award
This year's FINE ART judge was very...well, should I say....elusive....Yes, that's the word for her. I looked for her...I know she was real, but I didn't actually see her until the end of judging. She did not engage me in ANY conversation....artistic or otherwise. ...did NOT introduce herself and I didn't see her place the sticker in my booth, though it magically appeared at some point. In fact, the FINE CRAFT judge spoke to me more than this woman. This is NOT just my broken ego talking here, either. It's okay that I didn't win, place or show this year. But I'm thinking that SOMETHING is wrong when Diane Becker, Fred Mannerino, Patty Ritter and Myself don't win ANYTHING! NOT even a simple HM for God's sake! NOTHING!!!!
Isabelle (Art League president) felt so bad for us that she made us each an award with tootsie roll pops and ribbons that Patty and I dubbed "THE SUCKER AWARDS". We are the Strong, the Few, the SUCKERS. And damn proud, I might add. Couldn't be in better company.
We did have some lookers in this dreadful economy...I sold a few prints, one small original and I got one commissioned portrait from the deal.... I also gained some invaluable knowledge about art shows and how to execute them from Paul, the Harvest of Art Extraordinaire. I learned a lot about what it takes to put on a show and how to get over one that is not quite up to the standards that the board feels they have set as an example. LOTS of fun shmoozing with other artists and meeting new art appreciators.
And did I mention that I was practically accosted by a man who fell in love with my pastel eye? Then he fell hard for my real eyes and he wound up spending way too much time in my personal space. Ah, well, it's nice to be appreciated.. ... EYE think!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Peaceful Reflections
Whew! Finished in time for the show, this still life has been on my easel for the last week or so. I took the original photo in my living room several weeks ago. The light streams in my front window and I knew it would be awesome on the new bouquet of flowers, but I had no idea the reflection would be so strong through the vase. So beautiful... The arrangement sits on the black piano (which is the highly reflective surface) and the blue of the sky sets the tone for the whole scene. I will frame it with non glare glass.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I am excited that we now have a Democratic government, though not on the local level. Change is necessary. Taxes need to be addressed and health care needs to be totally overhauled. Paying several hundred dollars for common antibiotics is outrageous and the nauseated feeling I get when I have to ask the doctor to change the script because I cannot pay that amount is intrusive. What do I have insurance for? Cheers to CHANGE!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Speaking of music and tunes, I created this today. Inspired by the instruments and jam session last weekend, I took the idea of black and white instruments from the wall hanging in the studio and made my own version, free handing the musicians and filling them in with a sharpie. I left a small white border, cut them out and glued them to a black mat and found a good use for an old frame. I highlighted a bit with a silver pastel pencil and viola...much fun!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I was VERY creative today, pumping out two small 5'x7' landscapes. They are framed and ready to go to the HARVEST OF ART in a little over three weeks. I am really enjoying the freedom of painting something freedom, I mean I don't have to commit to a huge project that I know will take weeks. I know each one of these can be finished within an hour or two and I'm throwing myself into each one. I literally have hundreds of photos stuffed in boxes that I am resurrecting and going through. I think flowers will be next...I have so many referrence photos. Tomorrow, a field trip to the Chinsegut Nature Center outside Brooksville with Mary Alice Queiros and members of the Art League to sketch the old historic building and grounds.
Plein Air Painting....
LOVE my creative Wednesdays!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Not really sure, other than life got in the way. I have been painting every day, with the exception of Sat., but have not finished anything. Spent Sat. playing photographer for several different events. Here's a lovely shot of me in a hoop skirt from Sat. Founder's Day Celebration and Mural Dedication Ceremony in which I allowed a very small but very influential woman talk me into dressing up in 1800's attire. After wearing the outfit for a little over an hour , I very happily peeled it off, thankful I was born in this day and age where I wouldn't have to worry about bending my skirt just right to fit through the doorway. It was fun to dress up....maybe I have found my Halloween costume for this year.
On the Artistic side, I am currently working on some landscapes....and was inspired by a photo shoot I did yesterday for a friend just staring in a band....I took some creative shots of instruments and will put them together in some kind of a collage...probably not in pastels. Is that allowed? That has been my medium of choice for so long, I'm not sure I'll be accepted any other way....;)

Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm not sure where the years went to...!
We celebrated last night at Carabbas with chicken Bryan and garlic breath ;)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I love watching the groom's face when the bride first starts down the aisle...and Javen was so emotional... This was truly a fairytale.....